Autumn Term – Topic covers use of numeracy involving scale. We look at colour and pattern using a variety of materials and techniques including collage, painting, wax resist and drawing. Drawing skills include observational drawing and using research.
Spring Term – Study of Welsh Art looking at patterns and drawing and painting. Develop research into ideas for artwork.
Summer Term – Use research to design relief work. Develop this work into cardboard structure. use of numeracy to create repeat pattern.
In Design and Technology there are a range of designing and making projects set throughout the year. This involves students working in the areas of Food Technology, Textiles Technology and Resistant Materials Technology. The course focuses on key aspects such as research, analysis, ICT, investigation and developing ideas, practical tasks and evaluating.
Students in year 7 focus on the basics, with units of work developed to introduce Drama skills for performance. Students develop their understanding of key terminology and script writing through exploration of key projects which include ‘Basic Mime,’ ‘The Breakfast Show’, ‘Advertising’ and ‘Performance’.
Specific developed skills link the key assessment areas of Performance, Composition and Appraisal.
Through this first year, Year 7 students study a range of genre, both contemporary and heritage as well as literature from other cultures. Students’ writing tasks will be generated from the reading material studied throughout the year.
Students complete six core pieces during the year, two reading, two writing and two oracy, which are used to track progress.
Written accuracy is very important in English, but also across the KS3 curriculum. In English lessons students will follow a ‘spelling strategies’ programme together with completing a study of grammar. Written accuracy is commented on during assessment pieces, with targets being set to guide students into realising progress grades and to improve their writing techniques.
In Year 7, students are introduced to basic vocabulary, key verbs, French phonics and spelling in French. They learn how to talk about themselves and other people, express opinions and give reasons and become confident using French pronunciation to read aloud new words and phrases. Pupils complete GCSE-style tasks throughout the course.
The topics covered are:
Tout sur moi (All about me)
Ma Famille (My family)
We also give students the opportunity to learn about French culture, create their own literature and use ICT.
In Humanities Year 7 students learn about Wales, Europe and the World through thematic units of study. The content of these units integrate Geography, History and Religious Studies topics. Lessons are very much skills based designed to enhance the students’ abilities to learning to learn. Literacy is core to the students’ understanding and capacity to communicate that understanding. Whilst assessment is generally in the form of written communication some of the assignments also assess the students’ oracy skills.
During ICT in Year 7, several key areas are covered. As part of the modelling component, students cover modules using Spread sheets and Databases. The students are introduced to the main skills of Database table and query construction. During Spread sheet modules, students are introduced to the fundamentals of basic Spread sheet construction. Presentations and the skills required for successful implementation are also covered as a core Year 7 skill.
The work covered in Year 7 builds on the Key Stage 2 Mathematics curriculum. Tasks are tailored to suit students’ ability but also add challenge. Topics covered include; ratio. indices, sequences, equations, area, measures, fractions, percentages, probability and averages.
Music in Year 7 provides an opportunity for students to develop a variety of skills through a range of musical experiences. Students will study Rock and Roll focusing on developing keyboard skills and vocal techniques. Followed by students exploring World Music which is designed to broad their music interests, and also enable them to develop ensemble skills in a percussion context. Finally the students will focus on an introduction to the ‘Musical Futures’ project such as the four chords unit whereby the students will experience performing in a rock band in a variety of styles.
During the academic year all students have followed units of work in Gymnastics, Dance, Ball Skills and Fitness Training/Health and Well Being. these were taught in mixed gender groups between September and April and were designed to act as a transition between primary and secondary school and to equip the students with abroad foundation of skills for future work in Physical Education. Additionally, youngsters worked in single gender groups throughout the year. the male students followed units of work in Football. Rugby, orienteering, Athletics, Cricket and Tennis whilst the female students followed units of work in Netball, Badminton, Orienteering, Rounders, Athletics and Tennis.
The Key Stage 3 Science curriculum incorporates the acquisition of specific scientific knowledge alongside learning and developing a broader range of generic scientific, literacy and numeracy skills. The three sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are well catered for in a balanced, interesting and relevant curriculum. The focus is very much upon learners, learning through practical enquiry and investigation. We aim to create young scientists who can independently research, plan investigations, collect, analyse and interpret data in order to prove or disprove hypotheses.
In Year 7, we build on the basic vocabulary and patterns taught at primary level, paying more attention to grammatical aspects of the subject. Greater emphasis on skills needed to learn the language.
Course Content:
- Welcome
- School
- Family
- Time
- Money
- Shopping
- Food
- Weather
- Pets