

The Governors have a general responsibility for the effective oversight of the management of the school, and for agreeing the policies of the school, within a framework set by national legislation. Governors can be contacted through the school.



  • Mrs Joanne Lee

LEA Governors

  • Cllr Rob Walsh
  • Cllr Hugh Jones
  • Mr David Davies
  • Mr Ian Edwards
  • Mr Rob Ratcliffe

Community Governors

  • Ms Elaine Lacey – Chair
  • Mrs Kay Andrew
  • Mr Bob Chowdhury – Vice Chair
  • Mrs Ines Roberts
  • Mrs Louise Todd

Parent Governors

  • Mr Chris Cheffings
  • Mrs Emma Davies
  • Mr Carl Postle
  • Mr Alex Preston
  • Mr Tim Segasby
  • Vacancy

Teacher Governors

  • Mr Mark Mackie
  • Vacancy

Non-Teaching Governors

  • Mrs Michele McLean

Clerk to the Governing Body

  • Mrs Helen Holland

Governors minutes are available on request from the clerk to the Governing Body who can be contacted at