Attendance Matters – Every lesson counts!
Good attendance is absolutely crucial and is a key component of each and every student’s time in Darland. Missed days equal missed learning opportunities and there is a clear link between levels of attendance and academic achievement. Research shows that 17.5 missed days in school can reduce GCSE grades by one grade.
We have a robust system of both monitoring and rewarding good attendance. This year, we will be strengthening our already firm approach on poor attendance and would appreciate your support on this matter. The information below demonstrates the impact that poor attendance can have on progress throughout the course of a school year.
Attendance is a focus in form times each week and your child’s form tutor will have regular discussions with them, and their form class as a whole, about their attendance. There are many rewards available to acknowledge those students and tutor groups who have good attendance and who have demonstrated improvements in attendance.
It is Darland High School policy not to authorise holidays during the school term. Should parents persist in taking a child on holiday when the application for this has been refused by the school, the absence will be marked ‘unauthorised’ and may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice issued by the Local Authority.
Additionally, we communicate to students, on a weekly basis, the importance of good punctuality both to school, and to lessons within the school day. Punctuality is absolutely crucial if students are to do well in school. Students who are persistently late for school will not achieve as well in their GCSE exams, as their peers.
Please remind your son/daughter that ALL students are expected to be on the school site by no later than 8:40am for the movement bell and be in their Form Room by 8.45am. If your child is late to school, they must sign in at the main reception. They will be handed a late slip and they will be expected to complete a break time detention on the same day. Continued lateness will be treated as absence from school and parents/carers may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Local Authority.
May we thank you in advance for your support with ensuring your child strives to maintain good attendance in order to maximise their learning opportunities in school.
Please remember if your child is absent from school then parents/carers need to contact the school each day they are absent 01244 570588.