Year 11 Science Revision Event

On Thursday 29th November the Science Department held a revision event for year 11 students.

We invited 2018 school leavers who achieved exceptionally well in science to come and speak to our current year 11 about tips and methods they used that enabled them to be successful.

It was a really positive atmosphere and our year 11’s left feeling motivated and focused, safe in the knowledge they too could achieve great things in science.

Show Racism The Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racism education charity, which has been working with young people and adults across Wales since 2006.

On 29th November the newest member of the team, Eryl Jones, visited Darland High School to carry out workshops with our Year 7 students.

Throughout the day students engaged in conversation about racism and focused on the topic of immigration. They learned to understand the injustice and the senselessness of racism and gained a full understanding of its damaging effect. They were also able to evaluate language and the power words can have.

The workshops involved activities to challenge stereotypes and encourage discussion around some famous figures and their journey to the UK, such as Rita Ora and Mo Farah.

An enjoyable day was had by all of our students.With thanks to The Red card for their help and support throughout the day. (



The Scholars Programme – University College, Oxford

On 8th November 2018, 12 students identified by Darland teaching staff for having a particular interest/academic strength in the area of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) attended their Scholars Programme launch event.

Despite an arduous journey which took almost five hours on a minibus, we arrived to the incredible University College campus with spirits remaining high.

The day began with a tour of the campus. It’s fair to say that the group were astounded by the sheer beauty of the buildings and grounds – it’s quite obvious that the staff and students within the university are proud to be there and strive to maintain nothing but perfection. We met our student host for the day, Rosie, who was in her second year studying engineering. Rosie guided us around the campus, taking in the grounds, student accommodation, statues (yes, statues!), the old library and the great hall. It was like being in the film set of Harry Potter.

The group then came together to be welcomed by the programme leader, Dr Claire Harrill, who is herself a professor at the university. Dr Harrill explained the format of the course and told how The Scholars Programme is designed to widen participation to the UK’s most selective universities; to date the university-style programme has had positive impact on those who complete it. According to an independent impact evaluation carried out by UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), the impact was significant.

The day was busy but purposeful; after the programme introduction, students received information, advice and guidance for future courses and careers prospects, study skills (note taking and revision) and an introduction to their assignment ‘Cosmic Giants’ – a study into the formation and death of galaxies in our universe.

Upon successful completion of their university-style research project, students will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony in February 2019 at the University of Liverpool; watch this space!

GCSE Certificates 2018

The 2018 GCSE Certificates have now arrived at school and are now available for collection from the school office.

Darland Christmas Cards

Christmas cards available to purchase at £3.00 per pack of 25, designed by Darland pupils.  Should you wish to purchase any Christmas cards, please click here and complete the slip at the bottom of the poster and send it in with your child to the school office.

Attitude to Learning Award Winners – Oct 18

Attitude to Learning (ATL1) Award Winners – October 2018!

The students who had the highest number of Attitude to Learning 1 grades (ATL1s) during the first half term are as follows: (Top Boy / Top Girl in each year group)
YEAR 7 – Devon Clutton and Jenson Vye
YEAR 8 – Poppy Wright and Jake Barr
YEAR 9 – Ben Todd and Rebecca Brown
YEAR 10 – Ella Hancock and Harvey Clare
YEAR 11 – Hannah Church and Ben Ashfield
Huge congratulations go to this fantastic group of students – their hard work and efforts in school are outstanding. In recognition of their excellence, they each received 2 x Odeon Cinema Tickets. Very well done to all these students.

School Council Elections

The final week before the half-term break saw our annual School Council elections. The voting process, subsequent counting and awarding of the prestigious School Council shield badges was organised by the Year 11 Prefect team headed up by the Head Girl, Sophie Layhe and Head Boy, Connor O’Toole.

Students from all year groups were given the opportunity to vote for the individuals in their year group whom they felt would best represent them on the School Council. After some hectic lunchtime voting and intense counting sessions, we can announce that the new Darland School Council for 2018-2019 will consist of:

Year 7 – Tomos Ankers and Esme Hewiit

Year 8 – Anabelle Hennesey and Jack Massey

Year 9 – Lewis Thomson-Dutton and Sophie Bagby

Year 10 – Anabelle Bailey and Charlie McCann

Year 11 – Tom Parry and Caitlin Williams

Congratulations to all elected students and a huge thanks to those students who voted, and of course to the Year 11 Prefects for their organisation and administration of the process.


We have received notification from Arriva that the Chester Road will be closed from the Grosvenor Garden Centre to the A483  on Tuesday 11th September.  Buses from Wrexham to Chester will operate as normal to the old ATS depot, turn left for Llay and then turn right on to the A483 dual carraigeway to the Post House roundabout and then normal route to Chester.  Pupils will need to walk from the old ATS depot to school, please ensure you child leaves in plenty of time to arrive at school on time.

At the end of the school day pupils will need to walk from the school to the ATS stop. We will dismiss Year 7 at 3.05pm, Year 8 at 3.10pm, Year 9 at 3.15pm and Year 10 and Year 11 at the normal time.

Arriva Road Closure Notice

GCSE Press Release 2018


Year 11 pupils at Darland High School were today celebrating a terrific set of exam results. 63% of the year group achieved the ‘gold standard’ of five good GCSE passes including English language and Mathematics. Particularly impressive was the increase in the number of students achieving the very top grades, with 20% of the cohort achieving at least 5 A or A* grades.

A delighted Peter Agnew, headteacher at the school, commented:

‘Stricter rules governing the type of GCSEs which count towards measuring school performance have not dented the ambition and achievement of our students, who continue to thrive under the care and dedication of our excellent staff.’

Among the high number of pupils who did exceptionally well were:

Eleanor Yates of Rossett : 7A* and 4As

Ben Consterdine of Marford : 6A* and 2As

Dylan Aldridge of Acton : 4A* and 2As and 4Bs

Lucy Armitage of Marford : 11A* and 2As

Emily Baines of Marford : 10A* and 3As

Elycia Mackay of Wrexham: 6A* and