A Riveting Read

My Name is O
By Sam Enthoven

Review by Charlie Chowdhury 8L

Do you ever get the feeling that your life isn’t your own?

That everything you do, or everything you ever can do, has been chosen for you already?

That it was all planned out before you were born?

I have news for you… It’s true.

I highly  recommend the book ‘My Name is O’ because of it’s suspense storyline about the secret of earth.  I feel this book is more for teenagers than children because of it’s darker tone.  I like this book because not only is it a spy like storyline but it makes you feel like your the only one on earth who has ever read it.  Its intense and has a ruined relationship between a mother and child and always makes you think what next?

O is on a mission… Are you?


Restart a Heart

On Wednesday 16th October pupils from Year 7 participated in the National Restart a Heart Day.  The aim of the day was to train as many young people as possible with the knowledge of how to save a life and to empower a new  generation of life savers.   Darland has participated in this annual event for several years and were fortunate enough to receive the full Re-start a Heart pack including approx. 25 mannequins courtesy of the British Heart Foundation to enable ongoing training.

Special thanks to Andy and Mandy from the Ambulance Service, who spent the morning with our pupils.


Bird Box Project Takes Flight

A project aimed at connecting more young people with wildlife and encouraging them to engage with nature has been launched in North Wales.  Year eight science students got to make bird feeders and local MP Ian Lucas was given a bird box to put up in the school grounds to mark the roll-out of the UK-wide bird box education project into Wales. 

BASC’s project aims to connect young people with wildlife by helping them put up their own birdboxes and watching the results. The birdboxes highlight BASC’s commitment to conservation and education.  Darland High School follows a number of other schools around the rest of the UK who have put up birdboxes and learnt about the types of birds that will potentially call the box their home.

BASC-branded bird boxes have also been given to MPs from a range of parties during visits from BASC political officers aimed at improving engagement and discussing conservation projects in their areas.

 Sian Smith, BASC’s political officer for Wales, said: “We are thrilled to be working with staff and pupils at Darland on this wildlife project which highlights our contribution to conservation.

“As well as aiding conservation efforts, the initiative aims to connect more young people with wildlife by helping them engage with nature by making and putting up their own feeders and birdboxes.

“This year BASC has taken part in several school visits around the country to further our outreach and discuss how shooting and conservation go hand-in-hand.

J. Lee – Headteacher added “We are very excited to be leading on this project. Darland High School is the perfect school for such an initiative, our extensive green site hosts a vast number of different species of birds. To have the opportunity to work with the team from BASC is important. It not only enthuses pupils about conservation, but teaches them scientific skills and techniques that are used in the industry. Our Science team have today launched the project, which will be headed up by Science teacher Katherine Roberts and further supported by Kate Green (Head of Faculty). However we hope to widen the influence of the initiative by engaging more faculties, especially as we move toward a more collaborative curriculum with the changes up and coming in the Welsh Education System. We will be posting progress updates on the school’s Twitter account, and I will be watching with enthusiasm as the project develops. Pupils were thrilled to meet with Ian Lucas our MP and show off what they had learnt”




DARLAND, Wrexham’s Hiddem Gem

Darland students soar to success in GCSEs a year early. Students from Darland High School are celebrating A*s in Mathematics and Numeracy GCSEs having sat them at the end of Year 10. Dr Edwards Head of Maths Faculty said “The students have worked exceptionally hard to cover both 2 year courses in 1 year. We want to ensure every student gets given opportunities to succeed in their areas of strength. They will now follow a more advanced course in Year 11, touching on elements of  A-Level mathematics.”

Darland sat at the top of the Wrexham Schools performance table from 2018-2019, and this summer’s superb results continue this upward trend. This September Darland welcomed new Headteacher – Joanne Lee.

Mrs. Lee brings with her a wide range of experience from her teaching career that spans over two decades, and draws on roles in Stoke-on-Trent, Nantwich, Widnes and most recently Wrexham. She started her teaching career as a Physics teacher in Widnes and says, “I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work in a wide variety of schools, each school is unique with its own character.”

“From the first moment I walked into Darland High School I was impressed with the professionalism and warmth of the staff. They go above and beyond to ensure each child is supported in their studies”

“Darland topped the Wrexham league tables last year with the level 2 plus Wales Performance Measure, which is impressive. This summer’s results have seen further increases in performance in the new Welsh Education measure of Capped 9.”

“I am very excited to be working with such a committed team of professionals. As a school we have the needs of the child at our very core, regardless of ability. Our motto ‘Aspire Apply Achieve’ drives us forward as we embark on a journey of change.”

In September Darland opened its doors for the Annual Open Evening. Deputy Headteacher Mr Simon Corner said “We were completely overwhelmed by the response from parents, with over 900 people through our doors. The staff and students put on a festival of activities for visitors, it was a great opportunity for prospective pupils to come and see the school and experience the warm welcoming atmosphere.”

Mrs. Lee added “I am exceptionally proud of the students at Darland, I have extended an invitation to all parents of Year 5 and Year 6 students to come and see us on a normal working day; To book a tour and experience the calm working environment that makes this school a real Hidden Gem.”




Wrexham Music Co-Operative visit Year 7

Today Wrexham Music Co-Operative visted Year 7 to encourage them to take up music lessons. They played some fantastic songs & Year 7 thoroughly enjoyed the performance. For further details about Music lessons please contact Mr Winterbottom.

Technology Success

During the summer term of last year we have been running a MAT club, inviting KS3 students who were consistently hitting their target grades to take part in a national design competition. The competition gave these students the opportunity to design anything they liked provided it fit inside a small Pringles tin. The product also had to incorporate two different materials. The responses from our most able and talented students was fantastic and I am pleased to say that three of our students won prizes and have their work featured on the website.
They are Emily Collins (8E), Isabel Watson (9R) and Poppy Wright (9R).
Emily’s passionate about the environment and conservation of national habitats.  She therefore designed and manufactured an eco-friendly pencil case made from recycled plastic bags.  She fused them together using an iron then sowed the material into a pencil case, adding a zip.  The dolphin motif was made from a sweet wrapper.
Isabel Watson designed a storage unit for jewelry (bottom left).  The design opens and closes using a clever, pivotal mechanism.  Each layer incorporates a different design and layout.

Poppy Wright designed a puzzle set with a twist (middle right in the image above).  The puzzle pieces were manufactured using CAD/CAM out of white acrylic.  The design allowed the user to draw their own image on their puzzle.  The set comes in its own cylindrical box, which Poppy produced using the lazer cutter.
All student who entered the competition worked very hard over many lunch times to produce a wide range of creative and original deigns.

‘An Inspector Calls’ Theatre Trip

Any Year 9 or 10 pupils who wish to participate in the English theatre trip to see ‘An Inspector Calls’ at the Lowry in Manchester in January are to bring their completed forms and money in to Ms. Godwin by the end of this week.

Fashion Workshops the Italian Way – Milan

The Art and Design Department recently

took 18 year 9,10 and 11’s students to Milan on a memorable and activity packed trip.

The students were able to photograph the beautiful cathedral, Duomo and other notable architecture in Milan as well as taking part in a bespoke atelier fashion workshop with a famous Italian tailor.

Students enjoyed eating Italian food,  strolling through the shopping district, and visiting the home of Armani’s world famous designs.  Tired feet were rested on a scenic boat trip along the Navigli Canal, after a long day sight seeing.

Students no doubt will use the inspirational visit as a basis for future projects for Art, Photography and Textiles GCSE coursework.

Textile Artist Workshop

Textile Artist, Nikki Parmenter visited us yesterday to teach the Year 10 girls new textile & mixed media techniques. The girls work will create artwork for their Art & Design/Textiles portfolios which will be completed next year.


On the 8th of July we finally opened our newly furnished fitness suite, we are absolutely thrilled with the finished product, the attention to detail and calibre of equipment is so much more than we ever expected. We could not have done this without the support of all the children on MAD day back in October, raising a staggering £5000. Also Mr Mike Jones who won a £7000 bid from MBNA and £1000 from BALPHE, we are hugely grateful to both Mike and these organisation for all their support. We would also like to thank the school and Mr Agnew for contributing towards the cost of the fitness suite. Finally, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mr Craig Young, a parent at the school and a local business owner, he has gone above and beyond to make our vision a reality, providing a gym costing in the region of £25,000 for a lot less, his time and attention to detail has really made the fitness suite a magnificent place for our students and staff to improve their health and wellbeing.

Thank you so much to everyone for all your help.

Darland Prom 2019

Darland High School 2019 Prom photographs are now available to view and download.  Please click on the link below to enlarge

May Half Term Revision Sessions

Please see below a timetable of the Revision sessions for Year 10 and Year 11 during the May half term

Tuesday 28th May

Science (Mainly Year 10) – 11.00am until 1.00pm – Science Staff
English Year 11  –  9.00am until 12.00pm  – Miss Shoosmith and Mr Dawson

Play Rehersal     –  1.00pm until  4.00pm  – Mr Dawson and Mr Winterbottom

Friday 29th May

English – 9.00am until 12.00pm – Ms Godwin
English – 11.00am until  1.00pm – Mrs Tate
Maths   – 9.00am until 12.00pm – Miss Burgess

Saturday 1st June 

Maths – 9.00am onwards – Dr Edwards and Miss Mountford
History – 1.00pm – 3.00pm  – Mr Agnew

A Standing Ovation for Aaron’s fight… an aspirational journey

Aaron Aby provided an inspirational speech which resulted in a well deserved spontaneous standing ovation to over 800 students and parents in Darland High School’s annual awards ceremony  in the William Aston Hall recently.

An ex Darland student, a professional Mixed Martial Artist and Coach who is also a Wrexham Gym Owner, Aaron was diagnosed at birth with the genetic condition Cystic Fibrosis. He had to make a conscious effort to look after himself both mentally and physically. Back in 1990, the life expectancy of someone with Cystic Fibrosis was 22 years old. This led Aaron to develop a passion for health and nutrition. Being born with Cystic Fibrosis had a huge impact on how he treated both his body and mind. It was at a very early age that he developed a clear understanding of the way in which health, nutrition and psychological mindset are linked together and about how each are absolutely crucial to us achieving our potential.

Celebrating the students’ achievements with them, Aaron helped present awards to over 300 students and staff in ahighly memorable evening. A retiring collection raised over £133 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.




Glan Llyn pupils.

The trip will be taking place tomorrow (Thursday 31st January)  for two days and one night. Parents can expect a partial refund due to the shortening of the trip. We will be leaving slightly earlier tomorrow to make the most of the day and pupils should come to the hall straight after receiving their registration marks at 9am

SNOW ALERT & Glan Llyn trip

Due to adverse weather conditions Darland High School will be closed today.  We are trying to reschedule the Glan Llyn trip for tomorrow and Friday.  Please visit the website later today.

Techniquest Cell Dome

On Thursday the 6th of December, the Science Department were lucky enough to have Techniquest Glyndwr visit with their Cell Dome. This offered our Year 10 pupils with a very unique and interactive learning experience.

Year 10 had the opportunity to enter the dome and engaged really well with a virtual tour through a plant and animal cell, seeing different organelles in action as well as discussing some specialised cells. All of this will help Year 10 to prepare for their Biology GCSE exam in the summer.